Monday, June 13, 2016

Just wanted to talk

Hello loves I told you I'd be spamming you with post so here I am.

So I wanted to talk to you guys today about timing. Specifically God's timing. If you are half as impatient as I am then you know how hard it can be to wait and see what God has in store for you.
But here is the good news!God has prefect timing. God is faithful to us even when we aren't very faithful to Him. I can personally attest to that. I have been caught up in so much that I have been slacking on reading the bible everyday, and taking time to just talk to God , but yet whenever something in my life doesn't go as planned God comes to my rescue and gives me more than I deserve. I can honestly tell you guys that I feel so unworthy of His love and mercy on my life. I want to be real with you guys and I mean it when I say that it is okay to feel unworthy sometimes, just as long as you use that feeling and make it a point to do your best to live your life for Him. God will always be there for us and that in NOT something that we should take advantage of.

Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Answer Your Calling

Hello my loves, I apologize a million times for not posting in awhile. Life gets busy and that is no excuse because God comes first! So I will be spamming this blog with post to make up for it :)))))

Galatians 5:13 NIV
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

So I am using this verse today in light of what is going on in the world today. I live 2 hours away from Orlando and I feel so much pain for the families that have to endure these tragic losses. It pains me to see that in 2016 that hate is so prevalent. We were not called by God to destroy each other. We have a duty as his children to serve one another! Whether someone is gay,straight, purple or pink our job is not to judge! It is to SERVE. Everyday when  you wake up you are blessed and it can be so easy to hope on social media and judge people and form an opinion on things. But social media can have a positive effect if you make a choice to use it to empower and uplift Gods children.

Everyday we have a choice to try and be better than the next. Please pray and ask God to give you a compassionate heart. JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS DIFFERENT doesn't mean you cant love on them and show them who God Almighty

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Power of Comparison

How do you end up feeling when you find yourself compared to others? If your anything like me all it leads to is discontentment and a sense of failure. Feeling like you don't measure up to others is never a good feeling. There has to be a better way to appreciate others success even though you haven't reached your own.

That better way is God. There is power in knowing who you are in the eyes of God. He has a plan for all of us and I know that I find comfort in that. I had to find out the hard way that my blessings might not show up when I want it, but I sure know they will show up! Its a beautiful to see my friends and family living their lives to the fullest and making dreams come true. But sometimes it can be hard when I look at my own life. I have to stop and remind myself that God has something bigger than I can even fathom waiting for me and I have to trust Him on the time.

1 Timothy 6:6-8

Now godliness with contentment is great gain.For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.

James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Than God for all the perfect gifts that he gives to us! The short-cut to contentment is gratitude. Being thankful provide us with and instant perspective change. So take a moment and figure out what are the things you can be thankful for eveyday.

Love Muscie

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Trust Issues

Hey everyone it's your girl Muscie, I want to post everyday but life keeps getting in the way X).

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not,for I am with you;Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous hand.

Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Both these verses mention the fact that the Lord will give us strength. He will renew us when we look to Him. Even when it feels like we are alone or can't hear the words of God, He is with us. Just wait on Him and His plans will be revealed. It can be so hard to trust people in this day and age but that's what makes trusting on God even better! God always has your back, He will always be there and you never have to doubt that. I want to learn to always turn to the Lord when I am afraid,sad, or stressed. I know that I will only grow stronger if I can pause and go to God and express my thanks and my faith  in Him.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

No Cheat Codes Work!

"Each step to our destination is an important one. If we try to skip over necessary steps, it will only lead to necessary pain." -Unknown

I was doing my daily devotional on the bus heading to work and I read this. A light bulb clicked in my head and I was floored with how much I resonated with it. I began to think back to all the decisions I have made in my life. Have I been trying to take shortcuts, when God wanted me to work from the bottom up? I think back to when I tried nursing school, and Instead of going to a 4 year program , I decided to go to a 2 year vocational school to get done with it faster. And guess what that failed!The school ended up having lost their accreditation and they let us go on without telling us.  I was trying to get to the top by skipping steps. I never stopped to ask God where and what he wanted me to do! God will let us walk into a storm, and He will only answer when we look for Him. He answers to our call, not our circumstance. Now I am in a place in my life that I would never in a million years I would be in. I am turning 21 and I'm on my own, working a full-time job and trying to figure out how to go back to school! I want to be 10 steps ahead from where I am currently. Unfortunately there is no shortcuts or cheat codes to life when you are living for God. He takes us to the places we are in because He knows what is to come. I want to be prepared to serve my God when an opportunity arises and being on my own I have learned how to depend on God to take care of me. He never fails! God has a specific plan for you and there is no other way then His.

    I hope this helped someone out there, because It changed the way I see things and I wanted to share that.

Love Muscie

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Talk To Me

Hey everyone! I have been preparing for my YouTube Channel and radio show and I just wanted to know if anyone had any questions for me. I have my social media links on the info section on my blog and I want all of you to feel free to ask me ANYTHING! About ANYTHING! It can be a personally question or asking for advice or even a prayer request. I would love to get to know you guys more. I will be posting more soon. I finally have a few days off of work.

Love you all :)

Monday, April 4, 2016

It's Really Hard Right Now

Hey everyone, I know I have been missing these last few days. I have been going through a lot. I just ask that you all can keep me in your prayers! I want to just take this time to say that whatever any of you are dealing with right now is not permanent. God is preparing us for something bigger than we can even imagine. We are so lucky to have a God who is LIMITLESS! Amen.

Things can seem so horrible when we look at it with our own eyes, but sometimes when you go to God you find that doors are being closed so others can open. God does not punish us, there is a reason for everything we go through. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I just want to encourage all of you to stay strong and stick with God in your hardships. I know this can be hard. I know I can get so caught up in the moment and forget that I have such a powerful ally in my corner.

God does not respond to the storm, He responds to us. We have to seek Him out and trust that whatever is coming next, we will prevail.

I hope that all of you win the battles that you are facing in your life!

Please feel open to asking me or anyone you trust to pray for you.

I have links to all my social media, and it would be my pleasure to pray for you!

Love and Light,